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*OpMin 4.2 (applicable only from OpMin 4.2 to OpMin 4.2 Test12 /Handler or not)
*.png image (maximum of 50kb)
* JarBoom / Xplore or any 3rd party file manager.
* OpMinTools 0.1
* OpMin 4.2 (applicable only from OpMin 4.2 to OpMin 4.2 Test12 /Handler or not)
* .png image (maximum of 50kb)
* JarBoom / Xplore or any 3rd party file manager.
* OpMinTools 0.1
1. Decompile our OM 4.2 using Xplore or Jarboom.
2. Open OpMin Tools
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then press 5.
3. Choose OpMin 4.2 or OpMin 4.2 Labs then press 5 again and after that you need to select the v file ofOpMin 4.2 you want to change the splash.
press Options > Select.
4. After that you need to choose the picture that you want to be your splash.
press Options > Select.
5.Then the word SUCCESSFUL will appear, and now compile again the OpMin 4.2.
6. Congrats,you already change the splash of your 4.2 w/o having hard times on computation.
Also you can explore this OpMin tools,you can change also the skins of your OM,just discovered it to yourself.*Opmintools1.0 s60v2.sis